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University Library Würzburg

Location guide to the shelfmark   253/DZ/3f/Mag

Bezeichnung Information
Location: Departmental Library for Law (with legal textbook collection) - Opening hours - Where is that?
Uhrensymbol Open today from 10:00 to 20:00
Address: Alte Universität, Domerschulstraße 16, 97070 Würzburg
Overview maps library: 1st upper floor 2nd upper floor 3rd upper floor 4th upper floor
Beginnings of shelfmark: 80 (legal textbook collection )
250 (Departmental library)
252 (Stock of the DL for Law)
253 (Stock of the DL for Law)
254 (Stock of the DL for Law)
+49 931 31-82312 (Supervision)
+49 931 31-82315 (Administration)
+49 931 31-82317 (Fax)